PLC Part 3: Leaders Characteristics

March 1, 2023

Jordan B. Peterson is a fellow Canadian with a background in psychology where he once used his expertise to lecture young minds but is now more well know as an author and media commentator on platforms like YouTube, and the Daily Wire. Jordan Peterson is an intelligent man and excellent public speaker. He has the ability to formulate and articulate words into such convincing sentences which is why his following has grown exponentially in a time where political differences regarding opinions, thought and speech are polarized.

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos is a book written by Peterson, which in short provides life advice through psychology, ethical principles, and religion. Peterson is such an inspiration, motivation, and role model to me because of his core values and beliefs. Jordan’s thoughts are rooted in moral values, and never go without a logical explanation. I think, in todays society where politicians are constantly lying, all sides of mainstream media are biased, and peoples political views are either right or wrong with no in between. This creates a place where personal opinion and thought aren’t recognized and explanations for beliefs are rarely given. Petersons bravery to stand up and peacefully teach his followers what he perceives to be the truth even if it goes against the grain is just what I think the world needs.

Syd Barrett is an English singer-songwriter who co founded Pink Floyd. Generally one of the first steps of becoming a leader if the role isn’t already assumed is taking the initial step to do what you want and what you believe in. In this case it was Syd taking the initiative to start the group and the legacy that came from it. Although this is only one aspect of leading, Syd lead the band in many ways including being the songwriter for their hit debut and many singles. Syd was also the lead guitarist at the time which together built the framework for the new style of music they were creating.

The formation of the group and Syds genius laid the roots for 2 major music movements including psychedelic space-rock and blues-based progressive rock. Although Syd was eventually kicked out of the group for his mental illness and drug abuse, I still think he’s an admirable leader. Not all leaders can be excellent at everything which Syd shows us by getting kicked out of the group but its his drive and passion that I think is most admirable from a leadership standpoint. Once your gone its the people you’ve impacted and the things you’ve done that will be remembered. I think Syd achieved his greatness as a leader by creating something so unique generations after can still enjoy and try to follow in his footsteps.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is my biggest role model and an admirable leader which I look up to daily. Arnold is considered one of, if not the greatest to ever compete in bodybuilding but he also set the pace for Bodybuilding and is the most prominent figure in its history. When we talk about the difference between managing and leading we establish that leaders don’t have to be managers and commonly aren’t but they take on roles like influencing, bringing change, and directing the people towards a bigger vision. Arnold did this as a training partner in the 60’s and continues to lead today through his legacy and old tapes.

Arnold and Frank Zane were training partners throughout a good part of his career. They were glamorized for their physiques but also the things they did. Arnold and Frank would do their cardio together which is one of the most important parts of conditioning and being healthy. Cardio was also often overlooked because it didn’t grow the muscles that people sought after. Arnold would also train with many of his friends and competitors and celebrate by going out and having a healthy meal together. Arnold was much more than just his physique and gave the world of bodybuilding a standard to live up to and a way of life that was more sustainable.

Throughout the last year of training at public gyms I’ve met some of the nicest people and can see the impact Arnold left on the community of likeminded people. While Arnold has transformed the community into something special we’ve seen a increase in some areas such as the abuse of Performance enhancing drugs. Arnold was also apart of steroid use but him and his competitors took smaller amounts and for shorter periods of time. Contrary to some of todays bodybuilders Arnold lived a cleaner lifestyle which promoted the basics within diet and training and overall health.

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